Alive & Free

Experience the Life you were meant to live.

Here you stand, friend, on the ground of grace! It's time to walk this miraculous territory of Christ's love for you and Life in you, which is your inheritance and identity as a believer. Through this material, you'll discover more of what the Bible means when it speaks of our spiritual union with Jesus Christ, our new identity in him, and how we live in light of that amazing reality. As you grow in your understanding of his work on your behalf, you'll "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).

Our focus is your relationship with God. That relationship, we believe, is the starting point for us and the only way we can begin to have healthy, honest relationships with others. It is our eager expectation that you will learn more of who Jesus is and who you are in him. We hope you'll experience the Life you were made to live!


Part 1: Normal

Part 2: Spirit

Part 3: United


Part 4: Abide

Part 5: Dance

Part 6: Offer

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Christ in You Bible Study

This study is for believers who want to experience the Life of Christ at work in their lives. It is our eager expectation that you will learn more of who Jesus is and who you are in him. This study can be done on your own, but it is designed to be used in a one-on-one context or in groups of three to four people. Experience the life you were meant to live!

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Leader Resources

Thank you for being aware of the Spirit's leading and available to step into leading a discussion group! Below are some videos to help prepare you, give you an idea of what to expect, and offer tips on how to facilitate your group.

Discussion Groups

The following videos provide an introduction for leaders of discussion groups, and insight into how to facilitate your group.


Chapter Resources

The following videos are for all leaders (discussion groups and Life Groups), and are designed to offer—in addition to going through each week's chapter in advance—support on specifics for that chapter.

Preface: You Already Have an A

Chapter 1: Normal

Supplemental Resources

Chapter 2: Spirit

Supplemental Resources


Chapter 3: United

Supplemental Resources

Chapter 4: Abide

Supplemental Resources

Chapter 5: Dance

Supplemental Resources


Chapter 6: Offer

Supplemental Resources