Jesus Throughout the Bible

In 2011, Bent Tree member Josiah Willis walked us through Jesus in each book of the Bible. In 2018, he reminds us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Video Transcript

In Genesis, Jesus Christ is the Breath of Life.
In Exodus, he is the Passover Lamb.
In Leviticus, he is our High Priest.
In Numbers, he is the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
In Deuteronomy, he is the prophet like unto Moses.

In Joshua he is the captain of our salvation.
In Judges, he is our judge and lawgiver.
In Ruth, he is our kinsman redeemer.
In 1 & 2 Samuel, he is our trusted prophet.
In Kings and Chronicles, he is our reigning King.
In Ezra and Nehemiah, he is the rebuilder of the broken down walls of human life.
In Esther, he is our Mordecai.

In Job, he is our ever-living Redeemer.
In Psalms, he is our Shepherd.
In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, he is our wisdom.
In Song of Solomon, he is our loving Bridegroom.

In Isaiah, he is the Prince of Peace.
In Jeremiah, he is our righteous Branch.
In Lamentations, he is our weeping Prophet.
In Ezekiel, he is the wonderful four-faced man.
In Daniel, he is the fourth man in life’s fiery furnace.

In Hosea, he is the faithful husband, forever married to the backslider.
In Joel, he is the baptizer of the Holy Ghost and fire.
In Amos, he is our burden bearer.
In Obadiah, he is mighty to save.
In Jonah, he is our great foreign missionary.
In Micah, he is the messenger of beautiful feet.
In Nahum, he is our strength and shield.
In Habakkuk, he is God’s evangelist crying, “Revive thy works in the midst of the years!”
In Zephaniah, he is our Savior.
In Haggai, he is the restorer of God’s lost heritage.
In Zechariah, he is the fountain opened up in the house of David for sin and uncleanliness.
And in Malachi, he is the Son of Righteousness rising with healing in his wings.

In Matthew, he is the King of the Jews.
In Mark, he is the servant.
In Luke, he is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel.
In John, he is the Son of God.

In Acts, he is the Savior of the world.
In Romans, he is the righteousness of God.
In 1 Corinthians, he is the rock, the Father of Israel.
In 2 Corinthians, he is the triumphant one, giving victory.