Experiencing and sharing the love of Jesus with kids and students

We want kids and students to learn what it really means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. From early childhood through high school ministry, we use biblical teaching, engaging worship, and intentional small group time to plant seeds of faith that will ultimately help your children develop a faith of their own. 

KidsSpecial NeedsStudents

Our Strategy

Worship Together

We create fun, engaging worship environments where kids and students worship with their peers during weekly programming. As kids move up into elementary and middle school, we also want them to experience worship with the body of believers that make up Bent Tree. We set aside “Together Sundays” several times a year for them to be a part of intergenerational worship in “big church” alongside their parents to continue to build that foundation and to teach them that they are part of the Church now.

Be Known

We want your kids to know they belong! That’s why we emphasize small groups from an early age. In small groups, kids and students get to explore what it means to trust in Jesus and apply His word to their lives in a safe environment where they are known and loved by leaders who show up consistently.

Make A Difference

At each age and stage, we will provide different opportunities for kids and students to serve, give and lead to help them understand they can share the love of Jesus and impact the world around them. We also partner with parents at every stage, providing tools and support for parents to engage in their child’s faith.

Together Sundays

What to Expect During Together Sundays

Every year at Bent Tree, we choose several weekends to celebrate what we call “Together Sundays.” This is an opportunity for parents to worship with their first through eighth-grade children. As you experience Together Sundays in “big church” as a family, your children will see you model worship and experience being part of the bigger community of Bent Tree.

While these Together Sunday services are still geared toward adults, we know your kids will be kids! It can be overwhelming the first time you bring your elementary kid into the service with you. But don’t worry! We know they won’t always use their inside voice, they may wiggle and laugh, but we want them to be who they are. We also have some kid-friendly areas around our lobby where mom or dad can go take a break with their little one while the service is broadcast on the monitors throughout the building.

Most importantly, we hope you as parents will use these unique Sundays to have faith conversations as you talk about the morning and their experience. Sometimes it’s not so much what your kid learns but how you model what it looks like to grow in your faith. Ask them some questions, but also share with them how Christ is working in you.

We know it won’t always be easy, but we also believe you can do this!

What are the dates for Together Sundays?
Dates for Together Sundays in 2025

February 16
March 16
April 20
May 25*

June 1
July 20
July 27
August 3

August 31
November 30
December 21
December 28*

There will be no kid's programming on May 25 & December 28, even for Early Childhood. There will be kid-friendly areas in the lobby (where the service will be broadcast on the screens) for parents with restless kids.